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Don’t Let Your New Years Resolution Get Too Big

By January 29, 2020No Comments2 min read

What is your New Year’s resolution? This time of year we often reflect on where we are and where we want to be. New Year’s always seems like a natural place to start when looking to make a change but by February or March we all too often lose sight of our goals or the reasons why we decided to make a change. This year set yourself up for success by making things a little more simple, don’t try to be a whole new you but try to change one aspect in order to grow as a person. 

Make sure that you aren’t trying to change everything all at once. It’s very easy to think we can reinvent ourselves overnight, but you didn’t become who you are overnight and it will take time to make any significant and lasting change. Instead of attempting to change everything, try to identify one small area that you would like to see some improvement. For example, if you want to get in better shape in the new year try to break that goal down into a more manageable series of steps. Maybe you aren’t very active in your life, instead of committing yourself to working out every day, take a look at your daily routine and try to add a little more activity to your daily life. For example, taking the stairs or parking a little further from the front door at work are two common strategies that add a surprising amount of daily activity. Once you have a better idea of your time constraints then look into adding a regular exercise regimen to your schedule. Especially if you haven’t been a regular at your normal gym, it can be intimidating to start up and find your way on your own. Instead of telling yourself you are going to get into the weight room every day in the new year try a group class. Group training environments like Power Hour 360 provide a perfect opportunity to get yourself moving and help give you some focus as to how to spend your time in the gym wisely. 

This year don’t let your big plans to make a change go out the window because they were too hard or you didn’t have time. Break down your goals and take it one step at a time. We often can’t achieve our dreams in one day but we can be overwhelmed in a day so keep it simple and seek out help.