We are back in the gym and it feels soooo good! To get the most out of our workouts, we need to help our body recover properly. Here are 5 things you can do to promote a speedy recovery:
- Drink Water – It’s crucial to replace lost fluids after your workout. Our body needs water to function properly. Try to remind yourself to take small sips of water during your workout. Most importantly, be sure to drink a couple extra glasses of water post workout.
- Refuel Your Body – Refuel your body with healthy foods within 60 minutes of your workout. This will help your body start repairing tissues and replenishing your energy stores, which will make you ready to rock your next workout! Be sure to eat a healthy protein and carbohydrate.
- Stretch and Roll – Take a few minutes for gentle stretches and foam rolling. This will help those sore muscles relax and lengthen. Not sure what stretches to do?? Ask your coach during your next workout.
- Go for a Walk – Going for a short walk will increase blood flow, which helps nutrients get transported throughout your body. These nutrients will get to your muscles and help them rebuild.
- Prioritize Sleep – Our bodies rebuild when we are sleeping. It’s important to give your body the opportunity to recharge. Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
There you have it, 5 tips to help you recover quickly. Try these out and let us know how you’re feeling 🙂