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Are you getting the most out of your workout?

By March 18, 2020No Comments2 min read

Did you know that you workout harder when you workout with others? Did you know that you have greater endurance when working out to music? It turns out that going to the gym alone and grinding it out of the elliptical is not the best way to get in shape. Research has shown a significant increase in the amount of exercise and the intensity of exercise you are capable of when you are in a group or when you are listening to high energy music.

Motivation while exercising is truly one of the greatest indicators of how hard you will work in the gym. When you are working out alone you are relying on your own internal drive as the sole motivation to keep going. When you add music to your routine there is a variety of psychological effects that lend to being able to endure a longer workout and oftentimes a more intense workout. Listening to fast paced, high energy music can greatly improve an individual’s endurance and performance. But what about working out with a partner or in a group setting? Research shows that when you are paired with a partner or group that is at a similar or greater fitness level than yourself you will actually perform at a higher intensity with the same level of perceived exertion.

By combining fast paced, high energy music with a motivated workout partner or a motivated group you can make the most of your workouts and really push your potential. Workouts that combine these elements like what you will find at Power Hour 360 are the best way to get yourself in the best shape of your life. Stop spinning your wheels in the gym alone and come check out one of our classes to get the most out of your workout.